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Baritone Sax Freebie

Zip download size: 7MB |
Released 5/7/2018

Performed on a Japanese Yanigisawa 900 baritone sax, Stargazer’s latest pack ’Baritone Sax’ is full of downright funky tunes and ballsy one shots. Influenced by the likes of Stax, Motown and Leo Pellegrino, this pack comes with a vast array of horn stabs, classic soul scoops, skankin’ blue-beat reggae and Bristol dub loops ready bring power to your production.

Download now and add this to an existing funk, jazz, pop or ska track; better still create a fresh new fusion of your own.  

Note: The drums in this demo are not included in this pack, they are from 'Blue Note Sessions' by Che Ramirez (also available with your Noiiz subscription).